07 september 2022
From August 28 to September 4, the annual Attila Happy Slam tournament took place. It was a great success with lots of fun and a record number of participants. On Sunday players battled for the title of club champion on several events. But also in and around the canteen there was much activity all week. This year, the theme was 'tropical' and that fitted perfectly with this sunny week. This were the winners.
Only members of T.V. Attila are allowed to participate in the Happy Slam. This year a record number of over 70 members participated - a huge task for master planning & control Orazio. They played singles and doubles at their own level throughout the week and were enthusiastically encouraged. One finalist was even joined all week by a complete group of friends. Some members wondered desperately if they had that many friends in total..
Escape Room and tropical party
Besides tennis the committee, consisting of José, Ellen, Orazio, Laura, Aashish and Thomas, always makes sure that the Happy Slam is a fun week. The participants could escape from the dressing rooms with a self-designed escaperoom. The fastest participants were even honored during the final day! On Friday there was great party with tropical drinks in hand. Big hangovers were reported on Saturday. On Sunday, with a plate of BBQ in their laps, everyone could watch the award ceremony, of course performed with a lot of Spanish flair by José. Everything was perfectly organized with many thanks to this enthusiastic (partly new) committee!
Open doubles tournament
Besides the Happy Slam, T.V. Attila also organizes an annual open doubles tournament. Members of other clubs are welcome, but of course we hope that many of our own members will participate as well and win the tournament! We will keep you informed about this.
Tirionlaan 1c
3528 BM Utrecht